Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Windows Mobile Call-Block (User Guide)

Getting start with My Windows Mobile Call-Block

After install the Cab file of My Windows Mobile Call-Block on your Windows Mobile phone , click on the icon of the application on your programs list , the Main Menu form will appear

Main Menu Form , Menu tab
Figure 1.1 : Main Menu Form , Menu tab
  1. click on the the button titled with Enable Call-Block , responsible to enable or disable the application
  2. click on the button titled with Settings ,which is the gate to configure the groups of the application
  3. click on the tab titled with FireWall Settings , to view the firewall settings

How to configure firewall settings

  1. click on the tab FireWall Settings
  2. check on checkBox labeled with Reject all calls to reject all calls , and click on the checkBox labeled with exclude to exclude a group of contacts from the call rejection (sure how to create a new group will be discussed later)
  3. Main Menu , firewall tab
    Figure 2.1 : Main Menu Form , all calls seem to be rejected
  4. Check the checkBox labeled with Reject unknown calls to reject the calls from outside your phone book
  5. Main Menu , Firewall tab
    Figure 2.2 : Main Menu form , unknown calls seem to be rejected

    How to create a new group

    1. click on settings button (see figure 1.1) , the Group List form will appear
    2. Group List
      Figure 3.1 : Group List form , no groups defined yet
    3. From the Group List form click on the NewGroup item from the Options menu
    4. The Add New Group form will appear .And so, the user can choose the suitable name and suitable call status for the group then click ok
    5. Add New Group
      Figure 3.2 : The Add New Group Form , the user choose Friends as the name of the new group and open the call status ComboBox to choose the initialized call status for the group
    6. Pressing Ok at the New Group form , Now a new group called Friends is created
    7. Group List ,friend group
      Figure 3.3 : Group List form , a group called friends is created and you can see the items of the menu Options

    How to change a group call status

    1. From the Group List form check the CheckBox beside the group you want to change its call status
    2. Group List , change status
      Figure 4.1 : Group List form , the CheckBox beside the group Friends is checked
    3. click on the soft key Change Status to change the call status to Busy-SMS
    4. Group List , change status
      Figure 4.2 : Group List form , the call status of the group Friends is changed to Busy-SMS
    5. if you repeat the steps 1 & 2 & 3 the call status of the group becomes FastBusy , and if repeat 1 & 2 & 3 steps again the call status return to become Allowed

    How to View & Add the contacts to a group

    1. From the Form Group List (see figure x) select the name of the group ,you want to Add/View its contacts
    2. Select the sub item Contacts from the item View at the Options menu
    3. The contacts of the group will be viewed (if exists !)
    4. Members of friends group
      Figure 4.3 : The group Friends has no members yet
    5. choose the item Add Members from the Options menu, to view the list of phone book contacts
    6. The Mobile phone book
      Figure 4.4 : The user try to add three contacts at the phone book to be included at the Friends group
    7. Check the CheckBox(s) beside the name of the contact(s) you want to add to the group and click ok
    8. The chosen contacts will appear at the form supposed to view the contacts
    9. Add Members
      Figure 4.5 : Three contacts added for the group Friends

    How to remove a contact from a group

    1. From the form supposed to view the group members , select the contact you want to remove it
    2. Remove Remember
      Figure 5.1 : a member removed from the group friends
    3. Select the item Remove Member from the Options menu
    4. Remove member
      Figure 5.2 : a member removed from the group Friends

My Windows Mobile Call-Block (Specification)

What the servies the system can provide for its user

  1. Reject all calls
    • exclude a Windows Mobile Call-Block contacts' group OR
    • exclude NO Windows Mobile Call-Block contacts' group
  2. Reject unknown calls
  3. Enable/ Disable the feature
  4. Categorize the contacts into groups and apply a call status of a group
  5. The user defined group of contacts can have the following call status
    • Allowed : The feature shall do nothing with the incoming call from contact at a Windows Mobile Call-Block group
    • Busy-SMS : the feature shall reject the call and replay with predefined apologize short message text from contact at a group
    • Fast Busy : the feature shall reject the incoming call only from contact at a Windows Mobile Call-Block group
  6. User can add/remove a Windows Mobile Call-Block group according to his criteria
  7. User can add contact(s) from the phone book at his/her phone book , The changes on phone book will be reflected back to the feature configuration
    • Remove a contact from the phone book will be removed from the included Windows Mobile Call-Block group at the call block feature
    • change the contact name/mobile phone from the phone book will be removed from the included at a Windows Mobile Call-Block group at the call block feature
  8. You can remove any contact from a Windows Mobile Call-Block group any time you wish

My Windows Mobile Call-Block (Overview)

Windows Mobile Call-Block is the system named my graduation project course in My university Jami'at Al-Ulum Al-Tatbiqiya 2006 – 2010 , I got 97 % at this course having an excellence certificate for this achievement.Windows mobile Call-Block was one of Dr.Emad Quaddoura suggested ideas for students graduation projects in 2010 year.I developed my graduation project system using Visual Studio 2008 as IDE (integrated development environment) , using Device Application technology supported by Windows mobile 6 SDK professional edition. My developing language was C#.Net , and I reused a class library written by C++ , called cordel.dll intended for mobile ce application.I reused only a methods from this component.

What is the new in my Windows mobile Call Block

Of course I expected some one to say , your application is already exist .And so, can I know why the need to re invent the wheel .My answer is I added a new features to already exist windows Mobile Call-Block and I added some of the features of Call Firewall ,searching over WWW you can understand what I mean by call firewall (adding call firewall features was after my graduation project course),and the contacts distinguished as a blocked one have different treatment between reject with an apologize short text message (SMS) or just have the busy treatment. My Windows Mobile Call-Block need from its user to categorize the desired contacts into user defined groups , then the user can define the suitable call treatment for each group , Of Course, blocking contact by contact is NOT the block style any more !!!

What about the adds-on Call Firewall features

Of course , searching on WWW you can find the call firewall .But , again I am not the person , who re invent the wheel .Hence , I understood the concept of Call Firewall , deploying some of call firewall concepts in my Windows mobile Call-Block in a useful and practical manner.The adds-on features can help the user to reject all call OR reject unknown calls .In case of reject all calls you can choose the group you want to exclude from the automatic rejecting , it worthies to say I added the Call Firewall adds-on features after the graduation project course.

What is the secrets of my success

  1. Dr. Emad always told me "do not give up"
  2. posting my questions on MSDN forum , that have the enough care from MSDN Forum members
  3. googling my question , their keyword
  4. Professional Microsoft Smartphone Programming , Baijian Yang (Author) , Pei Zheng (Author), Lionel M. Ni (Author)